© 1997 – 2016 Patrick Hassel Zein
This page was last updated 25.12.2016
Rules for Advanced Players
On this page, you can read some new and more complex rules primarily regarding the wizard. These rules will make the game totally different from chess and will demand more strategic thinking from the players. All rules from standard KaleidoChess are still valid and the goal is the same – these are only additional rules.
If you find these rules strange, difficult or untraditional, then it is no problem to continue playing with only the basic rules that are quite enough to make the game both intriguing and fun.
There are now some new types of possible moves in addition to moving a piece just like before; to cast or cancel a magic formula (see "magic") or to let the dragon blow fire (see "dragon fire").
Each player has got 12 formula tiles in the same colours as the pieces. Each of these tiles may only be used once per game. On the formula tiles, you will find figures illustrating the magic formulas. Place your tiles in front of you or along the board.
You can only use magic as long as your wizard is on the board. If your wizard gets knocked out, then all your active formulas must immediately be removed from the board and you may not cast any formula for the rest of the current game.
It is allowed to move any piece (both your own and the opponent's) by using magic. However, no piece may ever be affected by magic while standing in a castle. Your own pieces may in some extent be affected by magic while standing in cities, but your opponent's pieces may never be affected at all in cities.
If a formula has got a lasting effect then the formula tile is placed on the affected piece and is afterwards moved together with the piece no matter where it is moved.
You can at any time cancel any of your own active formulas – but this count as a move and it is not possible to use the cancelled formula again. Used and cancelled formulas are removed from the board. You cannot simply cancel your opponent's formulas – they must be cancelled with magic or possibly dragon fire.
Magic formulas
With this formula, you can move any of your own or the opponent's pieces to a position of your choice.
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Shift positions:
Any two pieces change positions.
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Get back any piece that has been knocked out.
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Your wizard stands still and sends an invisible force to a square at the distance of one or two flying steps from himself regardless of circular lines. Any attacked piece will be knocked out. The ghost doesn't influence and isn't influenced by any other formula.
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Your wizard stands still and sends a flash to a square at the distance of one to three flying steps from himself (regardless of circular lines). Any attacked piece will be knocked out.
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Suicide attack:
The wizard stands still on any square and is blown up.
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Cancels the effect of the formula Imprison, Block or Weaken.
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Prevents a piece from moving until the formula is cancelled.
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A square with this formula on it can never be passed by any piece.
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Put this formula tile on any of the lines on the board. The affected line cannot be passed too easily. Walking pieces cannot pass the barrier at all and flying pieces must pass it in the first step of a move.
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Makes it impossible for any piece (including the wizard) to pass circular lines.
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Makes it possible for any pieces (wizards excepted) to pass two circular lines in each move. The wizards will instead have the power to fly four steps and pass four circular lines in each move.
Dragon fire
The dragon can blow fire in the same way as the wizard throws flashes (see "Flash") against a square at a distance of one flying step. Pieces and tiles in cities and castles are not protected against dragon fire since this fire isn't magical. Furthermore, the dragon can blow any number of times in each game and against all pieces except itself and the opponent's dragon (dragons are immune to this fire!).
The fire will cancel the effect of the formulas Imprison, Barrier and Strengthen. Strengthened and imprisoned pieces will survive the attack. Dragon fire directed to a square with more then one formula tile totally or partially on it will cancel all formulas on the square and on any piece standing on it (the fire cannot be directed more exactly than that). Unprotected piece will be knocked out.
Relations between formulas
To make the rules of magic even clearer you have this list explaining which formulas can affect which.
Totally independent formulas:
Formulas that can be cancelled by Cure:
Formulas that can be cancelled by Flash or dragon fire:
Please note that Flash and dragon fire demand more or less direct contact whilst the formula Cure can be used from a distance.
Playing with dice
In the basic rules, you could read about how to change the game by letting chance play through a dice. This variation is of course allowed when you play with the advanced rules as well.
Additions to the rules:
You may only use magic when the dice allows you to move the wizard.
The dragon may only blow fire when the dice allow you to move the dragon.