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© 2005 - 2007 Patrick Hassel Zein
This page was last updated 24.02.2007
我记得…我记得我的老家和幼年时代﹐我们一道儿走到城墙上来。 一河好水连接着天边﹐ 远远地浮着风帆一片。 父亲从容地说——举起一只手﹗ “人生就象流水似的倾注。 你看岸上那株大的杨柳﹐ 是我亲手栽培成树。 来年的春色当加倍地好﹐ 我们的歌声当更长﹐更高。” 我记得父亲谆谆教诲的声音﹐ 就象活的老年人站在高处。 这样美丽的邦家国土﹐ 怎忍叫敌人的铁蹄蹂躏﹖﹗ (1938年) |
I remember...I remember my old home and my childhood days. |
Comments by the translator: I believe this poem can be regarded as a sonnet consisting of 4 + 6 + 4 lines. The first four lines is an introduction, the middle six lines speak of the father and his words, and the final four lines reconnect to the first four lines with a rather unexpected and almost brutal ending. Since English is not my mother tongue, the English translation is rather plain and simple, without rhymes or rhythm. I have aimed to keep the wording for each line as close to the Chinese text as possible, but some verb forms may be open for other interpretations. The original text does not tell if the son and father are alone up on the wall, if there is one or many poplars standing on the riverside, if one or many songs will be sung...
The Swedish translation of the poem contains the same pattern of rhymes as the original (a, a, b, b - c, d, c, d, e, e - f, g, g, f) and it also has been given a rhythm suitable for a sonnet.
I have also translated a few more poems into Swedish. See the Swedish version of this page!
Further reading:
- Biographic information (Chinese)
- Short biographic information (Chinese)
- A letter from Mao Zedong, dated 1945-02-22 (Chinese)
- Memorial speech (Chinese)
- Anti Japanese resistance in a Chinese poem, a poem from 1942 (Italian)
Jag söker fler dikter av Emi Siao. Har du en eller flera i originalspråk, så hör av dig!
Cerco altre poesie di Emi Siao. Se ne ha una o alcune in lingua originale, per favore mi faccia sapere!
I am searching for other poems by Emi Siao. If you've got one or more in original language, please let me know!
Ich suche andere Gedichte von Emi Siao. Wenn Sie ein oder einige im Originalsprache haben, bitte lassen Sie mir wissen!
E-mail: patrick@*no spam!*zein.se