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© 1997 – 2002 Patrick Hassel Zein

This page was last updated 12.05.2002

Patrick Hassel Zein's Tai Ji Quan-Page


Imagine an early morning at 6 a.m. in the middle of the chaos of a Chinese city. Picture yourself entering a park together with a stream of thousands of people. Calm music flows from discretely placed speakers and people gather in different groups to perform their gymnastics. Tai Ji Quan (often called Tai Chi or Tai Chi Chuan, but I prefer to use the correct Chinese pronunciation) is actually a sort of meditation, a way to gather your thoughts and getting in balance with your inner self. The fact that it's also a soft form of gymnastics for all parts of your body also makes it a good way to start your day.

Those that have seen this will remember it for the rest of their lives, and then it’s quite natural that you would like to learn this form of meditation yourself. Even if you won’t find thousands of people performing Tai Ji Quan in any European parks you may very well perform Tai Ji Quan by yourself anywhere. But it might be wise to select a less public place where you won't be disturbed by an unwanted audience...

On this page you will find different types of basic information and links to pages of interest for people that exercise Tai Ji Quan.

Musical Suggestions

Below you will find some suggestions of music suitable to play whilst performing Tai Ji Quan.I have also sampled some short cuts of the music. The sampling has been made in mono and witha low frequency, since my intention was only to give you the possibility to determine whetheryou are interested in the music.

331 kbyte,
31 seconds

Buddha and Bonsai, Vol. 1, presented by Sattva Music.

This is a collection of tranquil classical Chinese music discretely played onmodern synthesisers. Personally I find it very pleasing to listen to this record.The record is very suitable for meditation and especially for Tai Ji Quan. I warmlyrecommend it!

Sattva Music SKV060 CD.

339 kbyte,
31 seconds

Buddha and Bonsai, Vol. 2, presented by Sattva Music.

The logical sequel to Vol. 1. See above.

Sattva Music SKV 061 CD.


Buddha and Bonsai, Vol. 3, presented by Sattva Music.

Even more of "Buddha & Bonsai". See above.

Sattva Music SKV062 CD.

251 kbyte,
23 seconds

Tai Chi, Oliver Shanti & Friends.

Calm synth music in Chinese style with all sorts of classical Chinese instruments and insome extent singing. A couple of the tracks even include the type of sounds that you may hearin early morning in Chinese parks! This record is obviously made to be used for Tai Ji Quan,but in my opinion some of the tracks are a bit too fast or loud for me.

Sattva Music SKV006 CD
Sattva Music SKV006 MC.

273 kbyte,
25 seconds

Tai Chi Too, Oliver Shanti & Friends.

This is the sequel to Tai Chi with rather Tibetan influences and singing. This record alsocontains some tracks that are a bit fast and loud. Compared with the discs above this oneis the least suitable to be used when you meditate.

Sattva Music SKV005 CD
Sattva Music SKV005 MC.